Spicy Vodka Rigatoni with Adam D’sylva

The key ingredient in this Spicy Vodka Rigatoni crafted by Adam D’Sylva is the Norco cream as it ties it all together. The secret to making a really tasty pasta is that the water needs to taste like the ocean and you need to under cook the pasta – Al Dente!




Serves: 4

650ml bottle of tomato
250ml Norco Thickened
50g Norco Salted Butter
1 birds eye chilli, finely
1 small onion, sliced
100g grated parmesan cheese
2 shots of vodka (or as you
salt & pepper
500g rigatoni pasta



1. Gently cook your onion and chilli in butter on the stovetop. Pour in your vodka, allowing it to flame for around 15 seconds. Add in the passata and cream, seasoning to taste. Cook together for a few minutes.
2. Cook pasta in salted boiling water. Once ready, strain and mix into sauce along with some parmesan, until melted. Top the dish with extra parmesan to serve.