Creamy Chorizo Pasta with Jerry Mai

At Norco we are partnering with Plate For A Mate to support The Black Dog Institute to turn ground breaking research into lifesaving action and support the mental health of Aussie Farmers. More than half of Australian farmers agree mental health is a growing concern in their community, with close to a third of Aussie farmers report declining mental health over the years. While mental illness doesn’t discriminate and it affects people from all walks of life — over 60% of our farmers have said they have experienced anxiety and 45% have experienced bouts of depression. Support our Aussie farmers and donate today visit.


300g chorizo D’orsogna, thick sliced

300g penne

500g vine ripened cherry tomatoes

2 zucchini, sliced on angle

2 bunch asparagus, cut in 3

dollop Norco Cream

250g feta cheese, whole block

4 sprigs of thyme

1/2 cup Italian parsley, rough chop

olive oil

sea salt and pepper




Preheat the oven to 180C.

In a baking tray place the cherry tomatoes, zucchini, asparagus, chorizo around the outside of the tray then place the block of feta in the center. Generously drizzle with olive oil and season with salt and pepper, scatter the thyme around the tray. Place the tray in the oven and cook for 30 mins.

Cook the penne as packet instructions then drain and set aside.

When the veg has softened add the penne and stir the through with the Norco cream and other ingredients, season more salt and pepper if required. Serve in pasta bowls sprinkle with parsley.