Milo Panna Cotta with Mike Reid

Simple. Decadent. Delicious.

Milo + Norco Milk = Two Aussie icons featured together in this delicious Milo Panna Cotta the whole family will love.



Serves: 4

2½ gelatine leaves
300ml Norco Thickened
100ml Norco full cream milk
65g Milo
40g caster sugar
pinch of salt
1 tsp cocoa powder for



1. Fill a bowl with ice cold water, add the gelatine and leave to soften for 10 minutes.
2. Squeeze out the excess water and set aside.
3. In a saucepan, warm the cream, milk, Milo, sugar, and salt until steaming, then take off the heat and whisk in the softened gelatine until it dissolves. Cool slightly before adding to panna cotta moulds.
4. Decant your panna cotta onto your plate, dust with the cocoa powder and add a dollop of extra thick cream.